Finally I decided that this blog needs a new look. :) Hope you like this fresh white and pink layout.
And *phew*... thank God my Archives are back too.
It's been a month and 2 days into NIE life, and I'm thanking and praising the Lord everyday!!! Key things I thank God for EVERY TIME:
1. The super shiok variety, amount and yumminess of our canteen food and the fact that it's all SO CHEAP!!! (Bye bye forever, egg and cress sandwiches that cos GBP1.15!!
2. My excellent colleages :)
3. SBS Bus 180. Believe it or not, I absolutely love the journey to school. Plus the bus drivers. [Boo to TV Mobile!!!]
4. The wireless network in NIE!!!
5. The pedagogy. Stuff I'm learning is useful. :)
That's just a little update for you guys whom I've not been in contact for a while.
By the way, I've recently switched to Gmail, and man, it's excellent!!!!!!
Here are some photos of recent happenings for your enjoyment!

Studying Grammar in the NIE library... :)
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