2. I think Dalcroze IS THE WAY to teaching music, man!
3. I decided to indulge today, considering it's the start of term break. (Yes, fellow NIE colleages I hear ye say "What term break?") I ate a blueberry chewy ice-cream cone (too sweet, people.) and an eclair from Polar. Wheeler says get those from Delifrance next time.

Ice cream with Wenmin at NIE canteen!! :)
4. Israel and New Breed rock BIG TIME. Thanks so much for introducing Gospel music to me, Raymes!!!!!
5. Let's see what I could do with me free time this week?
a. Educational Psychology Essay
b. Moodle assignment
c. Kelly Tang's film assignment
I sure look forward to it. (And I'm not being sarcastic, guys. These things can be really interesting.)
6. Sunday night is movie night with Wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. I can't wait to play for worship!!!! Yahoo to saturday 4-630pm, sunday 1115-1145am!!
8. Finally took photos with my NIE colleagues. :) Check them out:

Music CS1 people - cosy 8 of us! Moi, Audrey, Aik Keong, Shahril, Dr. Wong (Ed Psych tutor), Nicholas, Shehfeng, Loonz and Allison!
More photos for your perusal at http://sonicsand.multiply.com/photos/album/48
9. My dad sings VERY WELL. I'm very proud of him!
10. I'm gonna sleep as soon as I click on 'Publish Post'.
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