December 03, 2005
Prophecy about what is to come
"The Five Angels of the Continents"
Dr. Samuel DoctorianAugust 16,1998Forwarded by a WStS reader:Message given by Dr. Samuel Doctorian 16th August 1998 on the Isle of PatmosThis message was transcribed by Ruthanne Garlock from a tape we received in Singapore on August 30th, 1998 from Wee Tiong How. He had just returned from the Isle of Patmos where he attended a prayer retreat with a small group of Singaporeans, and where Samuel Doctorian related this experience to them. We do not personally know Dr.Doctorian (a naturalized American), but his ministry is well spoken of by many of our friends in Singapore.
"I was here alone in a house on the Isle of Patmos for several weeks to pray and seek the Lord. I found a little chapel - St. Nicolas's Chapel - where no one ever goes. I went there and poured out my heart before God. I found a rock on the side of a hill where I would go to sit and pray - meditation and reading the Bible. I ate very little during those days. Several times I went to the cave of John where he saw the great Revelation.While meditating for one month in this solitary place, I thought, "I wonder if the Lord will ever send a tenth angel?" I'd seen angels nine times before - in England, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in Amman, Jordan, in Jerusalem, and angel that delivered a woman from being hanged in upper Egypt; I saw the ninth angel in Beirut in the midst of war. The angel physically awakened me at 3:00 in the morning and told me to get out of the country immediately. I am grateful to the Lord until today - I don't know what might have happened to me if the angel had not come. Heaven will tell that one-day. So I wondered whether I would see an angel for the tenth time. There were times when I was praying when I felt such presence I asked, "Lord, I wonder if an angel is coming now? " But it was not so. One night I even dreamt about an angel. He told me to fly in my dream and I did - but that was only a dream. I wanted to see a real angel, as I had seen nine times before.On June 20 at 3:50am, here in Patmos suddenly my room was full of light, and there are no lights around here. It is a house all by itself at the end of the road near a monastery. Lo and behold, when I was wide-awake - I saw five beautiful angels. I saw their faces -perfect and human-like, but full of light. I saw their eyes, their hair, their hands.On my right side were two angels, and when I looked to the left I saw three other angels with wings. They had beautiful white robes falling to the floor - something I can't describe with human words. I wondered why five angels had come, but I was trembling and shaking. I wanted to cry, but I could not. Just before I saw these angels in the Spirit. I had seen myself in a great meeting of multitudes, and I was preaching in English. An interpreter was on my left with dark hair and a grey suit, but I can't remember what language he was speaking. I was prophesying this message: "My church, you preach love, you teach love, but you need to practice love - to show love. There is need of unity in my body. There are many divisions among you. My spirit will not move and work where there is no unity. There is carnality in my church; too much uncleanness in my church. I desire and I want a holy people. I died to made you holy." While I was prophesying in the spirit I was trembling. My eyes opened and I was looking at the great multitude. And suddenly, in the midst of the prophecy, these mighty angels appeared. I went back from the pulpit and thought I was going to fall down. I am now wide-awake, but this is all happening in the spirit. Some power helped me not to fall down and I wondered what was happening.Then suddenly the first angel on my right side said," We are five angels from the five continents. We are here to give you messages from the five continents of the world." The moment I heard that, I also heard the multitude crying out, "Ohhh, Ohhh, Ohhh;" I believe that multitude saw the angels also. Somehow the Lord showed me that in the days to come, in many parts of the world, God is going to reveal Himself through ministering angels. It's going to happen publicly; it's going to happen in churches - thousands of people seeing angels at the same time. They will be ministering to the Body in these last days. Then came this message from the angels:" What you see and hear, tell it to the nations." So it's not something to keep to myself. Whether they accept it or don't accept it, I have to tell it to the nations.FIRST ANGEL:The first angel said:" I have a message for all of Asia." When he said that, in a spilt few seconds, I could see all of China, India, the Asian countries like Vietnam, Laos - I've never been to those countries. I saw the Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. And then the angel showed me all of Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya and down to Australia and New Zealand."I am the angel of Asia," he said. And in his hand I saw a tremendous trumpet that he is going to blow all over Asia. Whatever the angel said, it's going to happen with the trumpet of the Lord all over Asia. Millions are going to hear the mighty voice of the Lord. Then the angel said, "There shall be disaster, starvation - many will die from hunger. Strong winds will be looked like has never happened before. A great part shall be shaken and destroyed. Earthquakes will take place all over Asia and the sea will cover the earth.I saw this on June 20. Today is August 16. A few weeks ago I heard the news of villages completely wiped out and washed into the sea in Papua New Guinea. Thousand of lives in great jeopardy. That happened a few weeks ago, and the angel told me it is going to happen all over Asia. "The earth will fall into the sea," I heard the angel say," part of Australia will be shaken. Australia will be divided, and a great part will go under the ocean. "This was frightening - I wondered whether I was hearing right. But the angel said," Millions will die in China and in India. Nation will be against nation, brother against brother. Asians will fight each other. Nuclear weapons shall be used, killing millions." Twice I heard the words, " Catastrophic! Catastrophic!" then the angel said, "Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world."I was trembling while the angel was speaking. Then he looked at me and smiled and said," There shall be the greatest spiritual awakening - bondage will be broken. Barriers will be removed. And all over Asia - China - India - people will turn to Christ. In Australia there shall be tremendous revival." I heard the angel of Asia say, " It is the last harvest." Then as if the Lord were speaking, he said," I shall prepare My church for the return of Christ." I was happy with such good news after the message of judgment. All the time the five angels were in my room I could feel their presence - it was tremendous.SECOND ANGEL:Then I saw that the second angel had a sickle in his hand, such as is used in harvesting. The second angel said," Harvest time has come in Israel and the countries all the way to Iran." I saw those countries in a few split seconds. "All of Turkey and those [inaudible;] countries that have refused me and refused my message of love shall hate each other and kill one another." I saw the angel raise the sickle and come down on all the Middle East countries.I saw Iran, Persia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, all of Georgia - Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, all of Asia Minor - full of blood. I saw blood all over these countries. And I saw fire; Nuclear weapons used in many of those countries. Smoke rising from everywhere. Sudden destruction - men destroying one another.I heard these words, " Israel, Oh Israel, the great judgment has come." The angel said, "The chosen, the church, the remnant, shall be purified. The Spirit of God shall prepare the children of God." I saw fires rising to heaven. The angel said," This is the final judgment. My church shall be purified, protected and ready for the final day. Men will die from thirst. Water shall be scarce all over the Middle East. Rivers shall dry up, and men will fight for water in those countries." The angel showed me that the United Nations shall be broken in pieces because of the crisis in the Middle East. There shall be no more United Nations. The angel with the sickle shall reap the harvest.THIRD ANGEL:Then one of the angels with wings showed me Europe from one end to the other - from the north all the way down to Spain and Portugal. In his hand he had a scale of measurement. I saw him fly over Europe, and I heard the words, " I am grieved. I am grieved. Unrighteousness, uncleanness, ungodliness - all over Europe. The sin has risen to heaven. The Holy Spirit is grieved." I saw the rivers of Europe flooding and covering millions of houses. Millions drown. After seeing this, I read the news a few weeks ago. Czechoslovakia had the worst flooding ever. I also heard that the big river in China is in tremendous danger of thousands of houses being destroyed in flooding. I didn't know all this news until after I had seen the vision and heard what the angels told me.Suddenly I heard earthquakes all over Europe. " Countries that have had no earthquakes shall be shaken," said the angel. And suddenly, in my spirit, I saw the Eiffel Tower in Paris crumbling falling down. A great part of Germany destroyed. The great city of London - destruction everywhere. I saw floods all over Scandinavia. I looked to the south and saw Spain and Portugal passing through hunger and great destruction.Many will die from hunger all over Spain and Portugal. I was disturbed by all this news, and I said," Lord, what about your children?" The angel said," I shall prepare them. They shall be looking for the appearing of the Lord. Many will cry to me in those days and I will save them. I shall perform mighty miracles for them and show them My power." So in the midst of great destruction, there will be the grace of God in those countries. I was happy that God has His protection over His children.FOURTH ANGEL:Now we go to Africa. I saw the fourth angel with wings fly over Africa, and I could see from Capetown in the south all the way to the north of Cairo - I saw all the countries there, more than fifty of them. The angel of Africa had a sword in his hand - a tremendous, sharp sword. Suddenly I heard him say, " Innocent blood has been shed. Divisions amongst the people generations far from the Lord - they have killed one another, thousands of people. I have seen my faithful children in Africa, and I shall reward all the faithful in the continent of Africa. I shall bless them abundantly. I shall control the weather - scorching and burning of the sun in some parts. Great rivers shall dry up, and millions will die from starvation. In other parts, flooding. Foundations shall be shaken. My sword shall judge the unrighteous and the bloodthirsty. So many earthquakes shall happen that rivers shall flow different directions in the continent, flooding many villages." I saw great pieces falling from the sky over different parts of Africa " There shall be trembling of the earth like has not been seen since the creation. None shall escape the sword of the Lord." I saw the River Nile drying up. It is the god of Egypt. Fishes dead and stinking all over Egypt. A great part of the middle of Africa will be covered with water - millions dying. "Lord," I said, "It is all bad news. All destruction. Any good news?" The Lord said, "The final day has come. Judgment day is here. My love has been refused now, and the end has come." I was shaking and trembling. I thought I cannot bear it.FIFTH ANGEL:Then I saw the last angel flying over North and South America - all the way from the North Pole down to Argentina. >From the east of the U.S.A. to California. I saw in his hand a bowl. The angel said he would pour out over these countries the judgments that were in the bowl. Then I heard the angel say, "No justice anymore. No righteousness. No holiness. Idolatry. Materialism. Drunkenness. Bondage of sin. Shedding of innocent blood - millions of babies being killed before they are born. Families are broken. An adulterous generation. Sodom and Gomorrah is here. The days of Noah are here. False preachers. False prophets. Refusing of my love. Many of them have the imitation of religion, but denying the real power.When I heard all that, I begged the angel, "Can you not wait for a little while? Don't pour it. Give a chance for repentance." The angel said, "Many times God has spared and has spoken, but they have not listened. His patience has come to an end. Beware, the time has come. They have loved money and pleasure more than they have loved Me." As the angel began to pour from the bowl in his hand, I saw tremendous icebergs melting. When that happened I saw floods all over Canada and North America - all the rivers flood; destruction everywhere. I heard the world market collapsing with mighty earthquakes, and New York skyscrapers were tumbling - millions dying.I saw ships in the ocean sinking. I heard explosions all over the north country. I saw the angel pouring over Mexico and two oceans joining together- the Atlantic and the Pacific. A great part of north Brazil covered with water, the Amazon River turning into a great sea. Forests destroyed and flooded. Major cities in Brazil destroyed; earthquakes in many places. As the angel poured, great destruction took place in Chile and Argentina as never before. The whole world was shaking. Then I heard the angel say," This will happen in a very short time." I said, "Can't you postpone? Don't pour these things out all over the globe." And suddenly I saw the five angels standing around the globe lifting up their hands and their wings towards heaven and saying, "All glory to the Lord of heaven and earth. Now the time has come and He will glorify His Son. The earth shall be burned and destroyed. All things shall pass away. The new Heaven and New Earth shall come. God shall destroy the works of the devil forever. I shall show My power - how I will protect My children in the midst of all this destruction.Be ready for that day, for the Lord has come.My room was full of light from the brightness of the angels. Then suddenly they ascended up to heaven. As I looked up I saw the angels go in five directions. I know they already have started their duties. For more than an hour I could not move. I was wide-awake, trembling from time to time. I said, " Lord, shall I leave Patmos now?" He said, "No, I brought you here for a purpose." I said," The message from the angels all over the world is not good news. It is judgment, punishment, destruction, devastation. What will people say about me? I've always been a preacher of love, peace and good news." The angel said," It is our message. You are the instrument, the channel. What a privilege that God has chosen you to give this message to the nations. "I said," Lord, Thy will be done." To God be the glory.Scripture Reference: 1 Thess 4:13-18; 5:1-11; Hebrews 12:22-29; 2 Peter 3:1-131 Thessalonians 4:13-18
"13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words."
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
"1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do."
Hebrews 12:22-29
"22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. 25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: 26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29 For our God is a consuming fire."
2 Peter 3:1-13
"1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: 2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."
01-16-05 Asian Tsunamis of 2004 and Endtime Christianity ---New Windowby Tom Stewart"What does God have to do to get our attention? This brings us to the events of December 26th 2004, where an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 occurred in the Indian Ocean off the western coast of northern Sumatra and Indonesia, thus generating a series of tsunamis, whose massive, 50 foot (15 meter) high waves devastated Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and other coastal nations over the next seven hours, killing more than 150,000-- with a greater death toll feared for those missing never to be found and those who would become casualties of disease and starvation." Right-click link to download as PDF.
Original website:
November 10, 2005
My Dental Recount
Allow me to share with you what the Lord taught me during my visit to the dentist.
Today at 9:14am I stepped out of my house for doom and torture set to begin at 9:30am.
I made my way towards the dental clinic.
I had braced myself for a few weeks, since my lower right molar started to hurt. I just KNEW what was going to happen. I'd lay there, the doctor would shine the light down into my teeth, and after a few checks with the round mirror inserted into my mouth she'd and say "Sandra, OK I see about 4 big cavities ah. You see?" (Then she'd show them to me one by one.) "I don't think I'm going to be done with you in today's appointment. I'll just clean your teeth for today, but you'll have to re-schedule an appointment next week." This was what happened during my last visit in september.
I arrived the clinic right on time, but had to wait till about 9:53am before it was my turn. During my wait I assured myself. Sandra, if the Lord has called you to do something, His grace will be sufficient to bring you through it. Come on, it's just a little pain. You can take it.
The nurse opened the door. "Sandra? Come in..." Dr. Leong, a woman in her forties, has the same pair of motherly eyes, and it's especially warming when she smiles. It occurred to me that her face remains a mystery, for she always has her mask on.
After a few greetings, just before I could lay myself down, I said "I need to tell you that I've been feeling a pain on my lower right molar, and so if it's a very deep cavity, could you please give me an anesthetic jab?" She smiled and said, "Let's see how it goes."
So the torment began. I laid down and she shone the very bright light into my mouth. Nothing could be hidden, not with the combination of the little round mirror dancing around my teeth. How apt. Just a few minutes ago, while trying to take my mind off the impending anxiety, I was reading Dr. Henry Cloud's book on Boundaries, and he mentioned this: "because of our fears, we hide aspects of ourselves in the darkness, where the devil has an opportunity... [but] healing always takes place in the light." I've been hiding in the dark for too long, having avoided the dentist for about 14 months now.
I began to pray. Take my life now, Lord! Or knock me out unconscious. Let everything happen when I'm unaware. Your grace is sufficient, right? Right, Lord? No, there wasn't any booming voice with the assuring "Yes, My child..." or anything like that.
It hadn't even been a minute when Dr. Leong turned off the bright light, lifted the chair and said "Come Sandra, let's take an X-ray to find out.", to which I responded by dilating my pupils with mouth wide open for about 8 seconds. Grace, Lord Jesus. Grace...
I sat on the X-ray chair, was instructed to use my finger to keep an X-ray card upright in my teeth, and praise the Lord for efficient technology - the x-ray took a grand total of 4 seconds.
Dread continues. I walked back to the dental chair, laid down, and Dr. Leong said she will clean my teeth while waiting for the X-ray result. Great! This is the fun part. The rubbing of some sweetish thing against my teeth. Before she did that, however, she took a sharp thing and lined it against the area near my gums, and this brough a little pain especially to my lower incisors. I hated that already - and I had to brace myself for more. It would be any time now, before she would have to reveal the news that I had x number of cavities. I tried to distract myself. Thank You Jesus.... for Your love to me.... Thank You Jesus... for Your grace so free.... All the time my hands tightly clasped.
While doing all the cleaning she took a look at the X-ray photo, after which she returned it to the nurse and went right on continuing the business on my teeth. She's so kind, I thought, to hold back the news till later. Surely she's gonna tell me that the cavities reached my inner nerves and the molar needs an extraction.
With every time she instructed me to rinse my mouth and to lay back down on my seat, I just had to brace myself for more, because I just knew the journey in this room would be long.
Suddenly my eyes caught Dr. Leong lifting up the daunting huge needle with green liquid inside. SO FAST?? She hasn't even explained that I need an anesthetic jab and she's already doing it??? Maybe it's good. The less I know, the better. But all I felt was a cool trickling around my teeth. She was spraying it on them! PHEW!
"Sandra, rinse your teeth." PHEW!!!! But I had to catch myself. It's just the beginning, don't rejoice too soon.
After about another 3 minutes of rather painless cleaning, she said "OK Sandra, I'll take my mirror so that you can see..." She reached for a mirror somewhere, then put it right before my eyes, while showing me my teeth. "Can you see the tiny white teeth deep inside?" Gosh! WISDOM TOOTH! I never knew I had one! "It's your wisdom tooth, and it's the cause of the pain you've been feeling. Also you can see that you haven't kept it very clean around that region."
She then turned off the dental light, lifted the chair, then explained further. "Your wisdom teeth is very small because there's no space for it to grow. You might need to be admitted to hospital to undergo a surgery if it continues to give you problems, but if it doesn't, then you can come back later, and we'll see how it goes from there."
I didn't dare assume anything, but I saw the MOST INCREDIBLE THING: the nurse started to remove the apron around me, and she threw away the plastic cup I used to rinse my mouth! So in utter disbelief I asked Dr. Leong, "So that's it for today?"
"Yes. That's it for today."
"I have no cavities??"
"No, no cavities." She smiled. "Remember? Last time I drilled into you to brush your teeth correctly, so you've improved!"
I really, really, really, REALLY couldn't believe it. "OH MY GOODNESS... Every dental visit for the last don't-know-how-many years I've had at least 3 cavities each..." I was in deep shock and relief!!!
After some profuse thanking, I left the clinic, AMAZED at how this must have been the quickest dental appointment I've ever had in my life, and had to try to look calm while waiting to pay the bill - deep inside my heart was pounding, my mind thanking the Lord profusely and bowled over by how He REALLY shocked me by the grace He showed me.
This dental appointment taught me 2 things.
1. I could try to hide for as long as I want to, but one day I would have to visit the dentist, and all my teeth would have to be exposed, naked, under the dentist's light.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
Therefore He says, "Awake, sleeping ones! And arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light!"
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
And this dental exposure only foreshadows the greater exposure that is to come.
Everything will be put under the bright light of the Lord Jesus Christ one day.
Will I be ready?
Will I be awake?
Will I find myself like I was today at the clinic, shuffling my feet nervously, worrying about how I have not been consistently using Listerine, or brushing my molars carefully?
Will I find myself deeply embarrassed before the face of the Lord Jesus, my heart begging "Lord! Give me another chance?? Not now..." ?
Or will I beam at the Lord, confidently saying "Lord, I've done what You've called me to do.
"I've run my race, I've fought the good fight, I know I'm clean before You. I'm ready to meet You." ?
2. This dental appointment revealed my tiny threshold of pain. My corwardly spirit.
But the cowardly, and the unbelieving, and the abominable, and murders, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, will have their part in the Lake burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Rev 21:8
If a little drill on my incisor stirs up this much dread, fright and discomfort from within me, how will I take it when I get hit by electric batons in jails, or slapped, or beaten, or whipped, if I get persecuted for the glory of the Lord?
May the Lord give you and me dying grace, but more so, a heavenly-mindedness, that we will know in our spirits that we may suffer for as long as we are in our temporal physical body, but if we are born twice, we only die once. The temporary pain will come to an end, thereafter we enter into paradise with the Lord Jesus. Wouldn't we be encountering ETERNAL joy, never feeling tired? Or pain?
Change my perspectives, O Lord, that I won't be found a cowardly soldier of the Lord!
October 09, 2005
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk rejection.
To place your dreams before the crowd is to risk ridicule.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk
The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he cannot learn, feel, change, grow,
or love.
Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave.
Only a person who takes risks is free.
Ann Landers
October 03, 2005
10 Keys to Choosing Your Life Partner
This seminar examine the liberating biblical principles that govern our choice of a mate. We will also be discussing some of the practical issues involved in
making that choice.
Coverage includes:
Biblical Principles on Relationship
Differentiating Between Love & Infatuation
Making Sense of Your Sexuality
How to Date with Decency
The Concept of Courtship
Practical Issues in Choosing a Mate
What to Look For in a Man/Woman
Come and examine this critical issue of choice that can enrich or endanger your life.
This seminar also includes an interactive forum where participants can pose questions to the speaker for discussion.
Speaker: Pastor Benny Ho
Date: 8 October 2005, Saturday
Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm (Registration starts at 8.30am)
Venue: Bible House
5th Floor Chapel
7 Armenian Street
Singapore 179932
Fees: S$10.00 per person
Bring 2 or more friends and each will pay only $9.00
First 50 participants will receive a Free Gift upon complete registration.
Fees include seminar notes and tea break.
September 16, 2005
Please add me on MSN again
MSN buay song with Yahoo so as a result I've got to sign in with a new email address.
Please add me with my latest email address, many, many, many thanks!
September 09, 2005
10 thoughts I had today:
2. I think Dalcroze IS THE WAY to teaching music, man!
3. I decided to indulge today, considering it's the start of term break. (Yes, fellow NIE colleages I hear ye say "What term break?") I ate a blueberry chewy ice-cream cone (too sweet, people.) and an eclair from Polar. Wheeler says get those from Delifrance next time.

Ice cream with Wenmin at NIE canteen!! :)
4. Israel and New Breed rock BIG TIME. Thanks so much for introducing Gospel music to me, Raymes!!!!!
5. Let's see what I could do with me free time this week?
a. Educational Psychology Essay
b. Moodle assignment
c. Kelly Tang's film assignment
I sure look forward to it. (And I'm not being sarcastic, guys. These things can be really interesting.)
6. Sunday night is movie night with Wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. I can't wait to play for worship!!!! Yahoo to saturday 4-630pm, sunday 1115-1145am!!
8. Finally took photos with my NIE colleagues. :) Check them out:

Music CS1 people - cosy 8 of us! Moi, Audrey, Aik Keong, Shahril, Dr. Wong (Ed Psych tutor), Nicholas, Shehfeng, Loonz and Allison!
More photos for your perusal at
9. My dad sings VERY WELL. I'm very proud of him!
10. I'm gonna sleep as soon as I click on 'Publish Post'.
September 08, 2005
My first lesson plan exam!

I just came out of an exam in NIE. We were required to come up with a lesson plan incorporating skills on speaking, listening and grammar. We were given a text type (narrative), and a brief description of the class we were to be teaching (sec 3 express from good autonomous school), and were given 1 hr 45 min to design the lesson plan.
I took a good 45 minutes to come up with the pre-activity!!!! I googled the above picture, and my plan was to get my students to break into groups of 4 to discuss the picture, and to infer as much as they could from it.
I panicked a lot more than I expected. Man, it sure isn't easy to come up with a comprehensive, fun and effective lesson. I sure lack the experience. My mum, however, reassured me after we prayed in the car, "You'll be an expert by the time you do your 100th lesson plan".
This morning I was so worried about this in-class exam that I fell ill! But it only magnified the Lord's grace on me so much more. He provided me with the most supportive mom in the world, and also, a most delightful grandmother. They supported me, prayed for me, cared for me, massaged me, encouraged me. I LOVE THEM!!! Thank You Lord for them!!! I discovered that I really, really am a little princess. :)
September 04, 2005
Cheesecake Party
Courtesy of princess Ah Wei.
Here are some glorious photos:

The princesses: Aunty Bel, Leesh, Chrissy Babes, Moi, Ah Wei, Xiao Ann
September 03, 2005
Jesus is best for de-stress
Upon reaching home from Qi's cell and worship practice in church today, my mind was filled with thoughts - many negative ones - and all I was thinking of was ESCAPISM. Very bad way out, but an often-chosen one. I can be quite an escapist.
On the MRT home I was thinking of many things to do. Just de-stress, perhaps watch my newly bought Israel and New Breed DVD, or one of my new VCD's from TS-Link. Maybe sleep.
Then I just knew that all that wouldn't help. I knew that having done all that, surely I would still be as frustrated. As stressed.
I decided to write a letter to Jesus. I copped my beautiful Fujitsu laptop, opened a Word Document, and began typing Jesus a letter.
Dear Jesus,
We need to talk.
There are so many things on my mind and I'm feeling so discouraged right now.........
Sorry, the rest is censored. :) I tell Jesus all my complaints and secrets.
But the best thing is that it He talks back to me as I talk to Him. (Or, type to Him.) He began correcting me of some wrong thoughts, alerting me to some false notions, and in all honesty, after about half an hour of casting my cares on Him, much of the frustration left me.
It always works when we ask Him to fill us with peace. He'll give, most generously.
Raymond recently recommended me Selwyn Hugh's Every Day with Jesus and MAN, IT'S GOOD STUFF. All I read was the prelude and Day 1 of the devotional reading and I've highlighted 4 sentences which I hope I'll never forget. Excellent stuff. Grab a copy if you can.
Yumms. Ahma just delivered some peeled longans. I love my Ahma to the max!!! :)
September 02, 2005
Finally, I return...
Finally I decided that this blog needs a new look. :) Hope you like this fresh white and pink layout.
And *phew*... thank God my Archives are back too.
It's been a month and 2 days into NIE life, and I'm thanking and praising the Lord everyday!!! Key things I thank God for EVERY TIME:
1. The super shiok variety, amount and yumminess of our canteen food and the fact that it's all SO CHEAP!!! (Bye bye forever, egg and cress sandwiches that cos GBP1.15!!
2. My excellent colleages :)
3. SBS Bus 180. Believe it or not, I absolutely love the journey to school. Plus the bus drivers. [Boo to TV Mobile!!!]
4. The wireless network in NIE!!!
5. The pedagogy. Stuff I'm learning is useful. :)
That's just a little update for you guys whom I've not been in contact for a while.
By the way, I've recently switched to Gmail, and man, it's excellent!!!!!!
Here are some photos of recent happenings for your enjoyment!

Studying Grammar in the NIE library... :)
July 08, 2005

It's particulary disturbing as I see this picture. This is the bus explosion at Tavistock Square which is super near Mark's place, and also, it's the route I take every other day from Canterbury Hall to ULU, where OCF takes place, and where I swim. It's disturbing because, like what Miriam said, London is like another home to me, having spent 3 years there, around the area of the disaster. Praise God for keeping Val Quay, Jo Chua and Andrew Loh safe, even as they were going to be there if not for the fact that all 3 of them overslept. It must have been Jesus' awesome plan. Praise God!
July 07, 2005
London Blasts
- Melody (in Buxton)
- Xinjin
- Tom
- Mel Heng
- Roland
- Jo Chua
- Jillian
- Leon
- Timothy (UCL)
- Katie (in Scotland)
- Val and Audrey
- Yeejean
- Eujin
A bit scary especially since the bus bomb took place at Tavistock Sq, Woburn place, which is super near where I stayed (Canterbury Hall), Mark's place, and Adrian's place. Russell Sq and King's Cross tubes were also just nearby.
Praise to Jesus for keeping all my friends safe, as far as I know. Let's continue to pray for London and our friends there.
However, have yet to hear from
- Ijeoma
- Martin
Anyone who knows about them, please let me know ASAP. Thank you.
July 01, 2005
More photos!
June 27, 2005
Beautiful Singapore
I love the hot and humid weather to the max!! (That's also because I had really, really bad experience of the piercingly cold winter in London) And I love my family so much. I missed them when I was in London, and I want to cherish them now that we are together.
I am extremely happy and blessed to be back here. I believe the Lord has called me back for a reason, and I can't wait to discover what! :)
My heart's also been turning towards the nation of China, since my Silk Road tour. Was led to this website (, and was encouraged by the articles featured there. Got to know about this website from the book The Heavenly Man.
Do read it, to be encouraged personally, and to discover the amazing things Jesus is doing in the nations today!
June 22, 2005
Beautiful China
We visited certain stops along the ancient Silk Road, and we went to Urumchi, Turpan, Jiayuguan, Jiuquan and Lanzhou.

Enjoy the photos!

2 kids we met at Lin Xia, near Lan Zhou.
Watch the videos I took in China on mu multiply site:
June 09, 2005
Are tears prayers, Lord?
Are screams prayers,
or groans,
or sighs,
or curses?
Can trembling hands be lifted to You,
or clenched fists,
or the cold sweat that trickles down my back,
or the cramps that knot my stomach?
Will You accept my prayers, Lord,
my real prayers,
rooted in the muck and mud and rock of my life,
and not just my pretty, cut-flower, gracefully arranged
bouquet of words?
Will You accept me, Lord,
as I really am,
messed up mixture of glory and grime?
Ted Loder
Guerrillas of Grace
June 04, 2005
A few moments my departure...
Someone once said that writing a novel is like driving at night with your headlights on - you can only see a few feet ahead, but you can make the entire trip that way.
Living a life is like that, too, I think. Certainly a life of faith.
Give me the grace, O God, to live such a life... and to realize that though the light given me is never as much as I would like, it is enough. It is enough.
(beautiful prayer by Ken Gire)
In an hour's time, I shut down my laptop, am disconnected from all online connections, rush to shop for gifts in Oxford Street for friends back home, board a plane, respire mid-air for 13 hours, touch down in a tropical island-country... and start a new chapter of my life.
Thank You, Lord. Your light for me shall be enough. Shall be enough.