August 10, 2006

I'm now a qualified driver!!!

Passing a driving test has SUCH a wonderfully liberating effect.

I'd like to recount how this whole driving pursuit started.

Back in 2002, I failed my 1st attempt mid-August, just before I flew to London. There was no way I could get a re-test before flying in Sept so I (foolishly) cancelled my BBDC membership. From then, I carried a great discouragement and fearful impression of driving.

It's been irritating sometimes when relatives come over and when they see me, they ask "So when are you learning driving? Go and learn ah.... Once you start work, you don't have the time!" And I absolutely abhorred the nagging.

One day (sometime April 06) I was so irritated by the nagging that I told God, "Lord, I'm perfectly happy being ferried around by people and bus uncles. But if YOU want me to learn how to drive, then You'll have to give me a push factor. THank You."

The push factor came shortly after, on 10 May 06, in the form of a letter. 'You have been posted to AMK Secondary School at AMK Street 22'. I was 1st dumbfounded, then enraged, because I also remembered telling God 'Lord please post me anywhere as long as it's near my house.' I stay at CCK! I smsed all my friends, 'Did God make a mistake?'

My mom is incredible. Upon hearing the news she basically told me she'll loan me $3k to learn driving and she's alright with the idea of getting a 3rd car for me to drive to work. I'm amazed at how she's so willing to INVEST in my life, and the amount of trust she's given me.

I re-enrolled BBDC on 13 May 06, this time with the sore goal of GETTING A LICENSE ASAP. Basically I need to, in the shortest time possible,

(1) complete the 4 theory lessons so that I can book advannced theory evaluation ASAP
(2) complete advanced theory evaluation ASAP so that can book theory test
(3) buy new PDL (which is also my 3rd!!) ASAP
(4) complete stage 3 practical so that can book for test date ASAP

Guys, if you've any questions about BBDC, PLEASE JUST ASK ME because I don't want you to make the same mistakes I made back in 2002 - I was so un-serious back then!! Never take up something you were never too serious about in the 1st place.

I look back and give God ALL THE GLORY because He graciously allowed me to do all the above AND pass my 2nd driving test, within 15 weeks, just under 3 months. I'm amazed and immensely thankful.

Glory hallelujah to the Lord who gives wonderful gifts to His children!

About how the test went:
The test on 7 August was horrendous. I was already very confident about driving by then (I whacked my driving over 30 lessons) but the pressure of having this guy sit next to you, eyeing you up and down and judging you FEELS TERRIBLE! I made so many unprecedented wrong moves, I couldn't believe I passed! Basically I

(1) stuck the curb in S course AND crank course, he even had to break for me! 10 pts
(2) swerved out of lane when returning from right turn
(3) did not check traffic ahead and turned right onto the slope to find another car up there!

I was so nervous throughout the test (and I absolutely couldn't control it), that had the test route been any longer, I really, really, really think I had failed. But God is VERY VERY VERY good because He answered my prayers to pass, to get a very nice tester (God bless Mr. Soon!!!!!!! Thank God I wasn't given killer P**!), and a relatively short test route at BUKIT BATOK and NOT TECK WHYE! I'm so thankful, so thankful.

Jesus receive all the celebration praise!!


Sharon said...

congrats on passing your driving test! i've been taking forever just to sign up with BBDC.. i foolishly cancelled my membership back in 2003 too.. have to pay the registration fee again. i've been so lazy getting about it! and work is starting next tuesday.. maybe i can learn at nights and sat mornings? do you know of a good private tutor? like you i have to take advanced theory and get PDL too.. and much more coz i only took 2 practical lessons and my basic theory last time!


Anonymous said...

hello sunsun! congratulations, you passed your driving!

you're in AMK sec sch now? gosh, that IS very far away from your place.

in any case, hope everything is going fine, please take care of yourself and don't let the kids bully you!

lots of love

beloved said...

congratssss sandra!!!

you give me hope to go and do my 3rd test. i am currently so upset that i am 'taking a break' from driving lessons. i even refused to go and take another test date. it's depressing. (i wrote about it in my blog)

but Jesus is good. i guess He will let me pass some day when i am a safe driver. God bless and praise Him for your pass!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha!! I love the cheap thrill of riding in your car.

Audience of One said...

Yo Sun!

Told you so!! Neeway, so what car are you getting then?? Honda JAZZ??


Rachel said...

congratulations!So, I will see you driving in Singapore next time.
I am still struggling with the roundabouts in Guildford....