And this is me after haircut

Think a lot of people didn't realize I cut my hair. It was pretty much a layering trim la. I do have significantly less hair though.
Went to Shang Hai Da Zhong Hua at Gerrard St, Chinatown, paid 10.80 GBP. This lady called Xiao Wu cut my hair, her little daughter's playing around and really cute. :)
I also went to watch 2046! It's horrible! If there was anything good at all, it's because I got to see my ex-fave female celeb Faye Wong again, alongside other pretty faces like Zhang Ziyi and Maggie Cheung. Otherwise, the plot is horrendous, almost as ridiculous as... anime, and a little too arty-farty for me la. I liken it to a John Cage piece of work... *shake head*
*lia bo giu*
WHY oh why must the weather be soooooo cold?????
Nice hair cut. I wonder why should u cut ur hair in cold weather. I thought more hair should keep you warmer.
2046: I could not agree more with ur review... somemore I watched it at 12am in the front row at Cineleisure.
you caught it in renoir is it? I need to get myself down there and catch a movie. Life Aquatic? anyways, i've changed my bookmarks! after so long! and hope your workshop went fine and no one got hurt on piano wire!
haha, well, the show was bizarre. but it was quite beautifully shot. i much prefer zhang yimou's "hero" to it though.
i think sometimes life is complicated enough. =]
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