I blog mainly to tell of how nice the Lord is.
After finding out that my pulse rate is at an awfully unhealthy rate of 84 per minute (!!!! Thanks to session @ CCC today) I felt I had to go exercise.
I drove to Bukit Batok CSC and decided to swim intensively for half an hour even though there was impending rain. I told the Lord I was only gonna swim for half an hour and because I had no watch with me (and I was way too short-sighted to see the public clock) I told Him to tell me when it's about half an hour so I could get back home in time.
To my pleasant surprise, for quite a while there was bright sunlight (despite the dark clouds!) and I was having a really nice time praying for people, situations... while swimming.
Then suddenly the sky turned really dark, so I felt I had to get up just before it pours. Turned out that I had swam for about 33 minutes! I'm pleasantly surprised at the accuracy. I quickly headed to the carpark, and the moment I got to the car, it started to pour cats and dogs.
I'm just so affirmed, like a daughter who's just been sayanged by a father who really loves her very much. It's like asking daddy for ice cream and him buying it for me, something that I can do without, yet something he allows me to enjoy. That half an hour of a swim.
And I'm really rejuvenated after that too! Despite an intensive swim (didn't stop at all!) I felt a lot stronger than before I swam.
Let's see if I can hit the pool again after the NIE course tomorrow. Hrmm. :)