July 08, 2005

Pictures taken from BBC.

These commuters had to walk in the tube tunnels to safety. This was at King's Cross, which is also super near my hall.

It's particulary disturbing as I see this picture. This is the bus explosion at Tavistock Square which is super near Mark's place, and also, it's the route I take every other day from Canterbury Hall to ULU, where OCF takes place, and where I swim. It's disturbing because, like what Miriam said, London is like another home to me, having spent 3 years there, around the area of the disaster. Praise God for keeping Val Quay, Jo Chua and Andrew Loh safe, even as they were going to be there if not for the fact that all 3 of them overslept. It must have been Jesus' awesome plan. Praise God!

July 07, 2005

London Blasts

Praise the Lord for keeping these friends safe. (I'm putting it here to keep you informed just in case you were worrying)

  • Melody (in Buxton)
  • Xinjin
  • Tom
  • Mel Heng
  • Roland
  • Jo Chua
  • Jillian
  • Leon
  • Timothy (UCL)
  • Katie (in Scotland)
  • Val and Audrey
  • Yeejean
  • Eujin

A bit scary especially since the bus bomb took place at Tavistock Sq, Woburn place, which is super near where I stayed (Canterbury Hall), Mark's place, and Adrian's place. Russell Sq and King's Cross tubes were also just nearby.

Praise to Jesus for keeping all my friends safe, as far as I know. Let's continue to pray for London and our friends there.

However, have yet to hear from

  • Ijeoma
  • Martin

Anyone who knows about them, please let me know ASAP. Thank you.

July 01, 2005

More photos!

Just a few more favourite pics from my daddy's camera, from our recent Silk Road tour. Enjoy!!!

Daddy, me, and Mommy inside a Meng Gu Bao!

A supremely cute girl I met at the tourist carpark, outside the desert at Urumqi. She's an Uighur, and they are muslims.

These are kids from Lin Xia. They are the friendliest kids I've ever met in my life!!! All it took was 2 minutes of interaction before we took a photo together :)